Exploring University Academic Technology Strategy

Developing Academic Technology Strategy

Innovation Cluster One

Explore and adopt technology to encourage and document student learning (e.g. learning and academic analytics, ePortfolios, lecture capture software, etc.)

Joyce Ellis

Linda Ganstrom

Beth Walizer

Lanee Young

Innovation Cluster Two

Explore “forward thinking, unique and market-savvy” curricular innovations to include post-course learning experiences (e.g. internships, certificates and certifications, gaming, cloud computing, data set mining, information assurance practices, etc.)

Beth Walizer

Kevin Splichal

Joy Fuqua 

Innovation Cluster Three

Explore and initiate the expanded use of open source and accessible, cost-effective materials (e.g  MIT open courseware, Carnegie Mellon OLI, TED-ED, e-books, iTunesU, Kahn Academy, MERLOT, etc. )

Lexey Barlett

Robert Moody

Linda Smith

Innovation Cluster Four

Continue to re-consider the “definition” of what constitutes a classroom (e.g. online/campus learning spaces with supportive and engaging opportunities/ F2F “communities of interaction” powered by appropriate social media and other technologies)

Lanee Young

Justin Greenleaf

Regi Wieland

Joy Fuqua

Innovation Cluster Five

Facilitate the systematic consideration of existing and new pedagogical approaches that are research-based and powered by 21st century social media and other technologies (e.g. flipped approaches, MOOCs, problem-based learning, active learning, constructivism, use of twitter, YouTube, etc.)

Skip Ward

Darrell Hamlin

Justin Greenleaf

Kathleen Ward

Kevin Splichal

Linda Ganstrom

Innovation Cluster Six

Consider the potential of emerging technologies, apps and social media for creating online “communities of interaction,” improved access to faculty and student interactivity (e.g. smartphones, tablets, Pinterest, e-books, etc.)

Joel Dugan

Kathleen Ward

Cynthia Miller

Skip Ward 

Beth Walizer

Justin Greenleaf

Linda Ganstrom

Innovation Cluster Seven

Aspire to become a national leader in collaboratively developed learning by assessing the potential of Global Challenges: Promise and Peril in the 21st Century – Collaboratively developed,  affordable eCourse and eBook Red Balloon project published through a joint partnership between FHSU and AASCU (Epsilon LMS at $50 per student/Shala Mills)

Suzanne Becking

Robert Moody

Innovation Cluster Eight

Leverage faculty/student/staff academic technology strategies and initiatives to collaborate with governmental entities and corporations to acquire external funding and grants (e.g. CISCO academies and partnerships, Next Generation grants for enhanced engagement and support of learning, NSF, etc.)

Cynthia Miller

Darrell Hamlin

Innovation Cluster Nine

Develop immersive technology approaches and experiments (e.g. CISCO “byod”/ciscojabbervideo.com and open platforms for institutional collaborative knowledge-creation intended to enhance learning and plant operations)

John Ross

Dennis King

Innovation Cluster Ten

Consider and explore the implications of a post-LMS world (a scholarship of teaching and learning opportunity)

Suzanne Becking

Regi Wieland

Kevin Splichal

Darrel Hamlin

Innovation Cluster Eleven

Think about how to “ramp-up” individual pathways to learning (e.g prior learning assessment, crowdsourcing)  and the application of technology for better guiding and personalizing the advising and administrative parts of the learner experience (e.g. Austin Peay’s Degree Compass, Valencia College’s LifeMap, Central Piedmont’s Online Student Profile <OSP>, etc. )

Joy Fuqua

Brad Goebel

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